


《 “Vol.47【照相和长跑】” 》 有 13 条评论

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  1. theMars 的头像
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    1. Conan06 的头像
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      @theMars, 我们这冬天也要6:30才天亮的啊,我跑完步回到家里天还没亮哦,我还记得当时上学的时候还是迎着街灯去的呢。如今在也找不回那份曾经的感觉了……
      拍照,只要你喜欢什么都可以。不过现在很多人越来越讲究,可是其实最后也只是给自己看的罢了。除非是参加比赛神马的,没必要非得那么严谨地拍照哦。不过养成习惯最好了! 😛

      1. theMars 的头像
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        @Conan06, 成都这边空气太差有时候走路多了嗓子都疼,不敢经常跑=,=好久没跑了=。=看你天天跑身材应该很正点啦 😀
        你看我微博上写了去那么多地方拍了那么多照片有几张发上来过嘛 👿 我都是自娱自乐啦。

        1. Conan06 的头像
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          @theMars, 好吧好吧,我想看你的图库=3=

          1. theMars 的头像
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            @Conan06, 来找我啊=3=我给你看

          2. Conan06 的头像
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            @theMars, 😐

  2. CoolGuy 的头像
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    1. Conan06 的头像
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      @CoolGuy, 😯 CG还是依旧严谨啊 :mrgreen:

  3. MRAC 的头像
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    Hey, Conan06. This is MRAC. 我心里有着各种各样的声音存在 (me too…. there are many different voices in my mind, and most of them are good). I don’t know how was Conan06’s 高中生活; but mine was good (it was full with music and plenty of creativities). I remember that I used to do more exercise than I do now… I am starting to do more exercise daily. I am happy that Conan06 is working and not asking money from your family (I am working now and I don’t ask any money from my family too– because I don’t want to see them at all [I really don’t like them]). It is good to read a new blog from Conan06, if anything interesting happens to me, I will post it as a blog too and share with you.

    1. Conan06 的头像
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      @MRAC, thanks to you, my English reading skills and translating abilities are growing. Recently, I think I should improve writing skills, so I decide to reply this comment by English. Would you mind picking the wrong usage…um…with pleasure?
      I’m sorry to hear that you don’t want to see your parents. In my viewpoint, their they give birth to you, their they love you. I don’t know the reason why you don’t like them, but I know a Chinese saying said 天下父母心. Maybe you should change yourself first, then they will change by degrees.

      1. CoolGuy 的头像
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        I hope it won’t be strange if I reply this comment. When I read this comment for the first time, I felt weired why MRAC didn’t love his parents, there must be some misunderstanding. I won’t seek for the answer for it’s a little personal. And I must say, I agree with Conan06 on the point of view “天下父母心”.
        By the way, 06, you still made a small mistake when saying “they give birth to you”~

        1. Conan06 的头像
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          @CoolGuy, thank you, I had correct the mistake.

        2. MRAC 的头像
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          @Conan06 @CoolGuy, The main reason why I don’t want to see my parents because they are more shy people (they are really easy to get scare of anything that is new to them); while I happen to be gutsy person who try everything at lease once. (Now you might get the point…. we end up keep arguing over things). My sister and I don’t like each other at all (since we don’t like the same thing… there is no point to talk with each other– hey, at lease there is no arguments).


